The systematic excavation at the theater of ancient Thouria that began in 2016, continued in 2018 for the third consecutive year.

The whole area of the orchestra was revealed, large part of which is occupied by an elongated building of later years, apparently of rural use.

The building is entirely constructed of ancient building material coming from the theater, mainly of stone blocks of the seats, in second use (FIG. 1).

The excavation of the retaining wall of the Southern parodos (side entrance) was completed (FIG. 2), while large part of the area of skenotheke came to light that occupies the northern side of the theater (FIG. 3).

Impressive is the excavated section of the skene that is crossed N-S by three stone grooves (of 30m uncovered length) on which the wooden movable skene would slide (FIG. 4).         

Dr. Xeni Arapogianni

Director of the excavations of Ancient Thouria


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